The Japan Society

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04/08/2020ARCHIVED The Spirit of Animism and Story Making in Manga: 2-Session Workshop with Fumio Obata


In this workshop, Manga artist Fumio Obata will introduce examples of anthropomorphism in visual culture and manga in Japan, and discuss how plants in particular can successfully be given human characteristics. Workshop participants will learn how to create their own characters and devise a short manga story.

29/07/2020ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - Bilingual Public Speaking ClubARCHIVED オンライン版 バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ


The club is open to anyone who would like to improve their skills at speaking in Japanese or English and to learn techniques and tricks to expand their communication and presentation abilities.


28/07/2020ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - The Japan Society Annual General Meeting 2020ARCHIVED オンラインイベント ジャパンソサエティ年次総会 2020


The Board values the opportunity to engage with members at the AGM, which is a key event for the Society and its members. Please note, however, that arrangements for this year's AGM differ from the usual in-person format. This year's AGM will be a virtual meeting only, held on Zoom.


22/07/2020ARCHIVED The Pandemic and its Impact on Gender Equality in Japan and the UK


For our last webinar before the summer Japan Society Chairman, Bill Emmott, will be considering gender equality in Japan and the UK, in discussion with leading members of the 30% Club, Yoriko Goto and Heather McGregor.

20/07/2020ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - Performing Memory: Artistic Production & Religious Practice at the Kofukuji Nan’endo


This online talk explores the interplay between memory and materiality, examining the process in which memory of the Northern Fujiwara clan became identified with the Nan’endo at Kofukuji temple.

14/07/2020ARCHIVED Online Boro (fabric repairing) Workshop


In this online workshop, led by Rob Jones, participants will learn a brief history and origins of Boro, and they will learn how to repair a garment using scraps, both modern and vintage, how to use sashiko stitching to enhance your work; practice using visible repair to enhance and strengthen textiles; applique and reverse applique techniques will be shown.

14/07/2020ARCHIVED The Future for the Arts and their Institutions with Mami Kataoka and Rebecca Salter


Our focus on 14 July is the arts world in Japan and the UK, when we will be joined by Mami Kataoka, Director of Mori Art Museum, and Rebecca Salter, President of the Royal Academy of Arts.

13/07/2020ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - Japan Society Book Club: The Little House by Kyoko Nakajima


The Naoki prize winning novel The Little House is introduced from the perspective of Taki, written as a memoire as the protagonist reflects on her nostalgic memories of a house she once served as a maid at.

08/07/2020ARCHIVED What the UK and Japan Mean to Each Other with Jeremy Hunt MP and Tomohiko Taniguchi


On Wednesday 8 July we are delighted to welcome Jeremy Hunt and Tomohiko Taniguchi, both well-known to members of the Japan Society, to discuss the relationship between our two countries with Japan Society Chairman, Bill Emmott.

02/07/2020ARCHIVED The View from the Korean Peninsula with Chung Min Lee and John Nilsson-Wright


For our 2 July webinar, we turn our eyes to the Korean peninsula, when we welcome Chung Min Lee, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and John Nilsson-Wright, senior lecturer at Cambridge University, to join Japan Society Chairman, Bill Emmott in conversation.