Visit Testimonials from Teachers
"The experience [the expert] provided went way beyond what I had hoped for in the application. She brought a real taste of Japan into my classroom and engaged all the children from the moment she stepped into the classroom."
"The students totally enjoyed their experiences and took great delight in such an unusual activity. They relished their time with [the expert] and were proud to take home their work to show their parents. Children are far more interested in Japan..."
"The children want to continue learning about Japan and its culture. It has awakened their appetite, and we will try to find out more…I noticed that after the visit, they were talking to children and teachers from other classes, sharing their experience."
Providing Authentic Materials to Teach about Japan
In addition to our full-size Activity Chest, we created new “Mini Chests” which schools, libraries or community groups can borrow. The mini-chests come in three versions for different purposes and at a lower cost, which enables even more children to access our loan resources. The three versions are suitable for those studying general Japan Topics, holding Japan club activities, or hosting a Japan Day or Multicultural Day event. Approximately 940 children have benefitted from the mini chest scheme since its launch.