Access to Experts
Access to Experts is designed as a tool to help those organising Japan-related events. Experts are professionals who charge a fee to lead workshops and can tailor their workshop or presentation to different audiences. They may be able to visit schools and deal with larger numbers of students per day than JIYC volunteers and can be engaged to spend successive days.
To ensure that your event goes smoothly, please note the following basic guidelines:
- Explain your needs and the nature of your event to the expert clearly at the outset, so that both you and they are certain that they can fulfil your requirements.
- Discuss the number of sessions you would like them to do and agree a fee for the work. If you need to make any changes to your programme, let the expert know as soon as possible.
- Find out whether you need to provide any special facilities or resources for the session.
Please note that inclusion on this list does not imply recommendation by The Japan Society.
If you would like to be added to the list, please fill in and return a request form or contact us below with details of your expertise and previous experience.