The Japan Society

Mission & Overview

The Japan Society is the leading independent body in the United Kingdom dedicated to the enhancement of the British-Japanese relationship. With a history stretching back to 1891, its members are committed to promoting deep and lasting understanding between our two countries.

The Society’s main objectives are:

  1. To promote learning and advance education in the subject of and with regard to Japan.
  2. To promote the study of Japan and its people in all their aspects, traditional and modern, and to make the results of such study more accessible to the general public.
  3. To promote the study of Britain and its culture by Japanese people and to further educational exchanges between Britain and Japan.

The Japan Society has a membership of some 1000 members both individual and corporate, including British, Japanese, and international members. Its varied programme provides opportunities for members and others interested in Japan to meet and exchange ideas and experience. Its work with schools throughout the UK and small grants scheme to support local projects both serve to encourage and deepen understanding of Japan.

Summary of Primary Activities

Events Publications

Coordinating a wide range of events to engage the diverse membership:

  • Business
  • Arts & Culture
  • Today in Japan
  • Special Events
  • Education

Publishing and reviewing books and periodicals:

Education Small Grants

Supporting schools teaching about Japan:

  • Teaching Resources and general advice service
  • Japan in Your Classroom visits to schools by Japanese volunteers
  • Teacher training sessions on Japan topics
  • Connecting schools to Experts with Japan-related skills
  • Organising ad hoc programmes of school-based workshops & residencies

We are not currently accepting grant applications
Offering small grants for educational and grassroots projects in the UK:

  • Maximum £1,000.
  • Rolling programme with no application deadlines.
  • Providing a forum for exchange between the Japanese and local communities.

The Japan Society E-Library is an ongoing digitisation project which over the next year will encompass material from our historical library, minute books, ephemera, and rare books of historical interest.

The Japan Society serves as Secretariat for:

A company limited by guarantee Registered in England No: 3371038 | Registered Charity No: 1063952 | VAT Registration No: 241550589

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