The Japan Society
Join & Support Become a Member

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Individual Membership

The Japan Society, a non-profit organisation with a history stretching back to 1891, is the leading body in the United Kingdom dedicated to the enhancement of the British-Japanese relationship.

Our members are committed to promoting deep and lasting understanding between our two countries. Our strength lies in a broad based membership of individuals and organisations.

We currently have a membership of over 1,000 members, both individual and corporate, including British, Japanese, and international members. Join us today! 

Note 1: Please read our privacy policy and terms & conditions. By filling a membership form, you state that you have read and agreed to them. If you choose it in the form, you will receive information about The Japan Society’s events and activities by post and/or email.

Note 2: If you are a UK tax payer, you can also help us by selecting the Gift Aid box in the payment screen. Without any further cost for you, this will allow The Japan Society to reclaim the tax on your membership and any qualifying donations paid in the last four years and from the date of this declaration until further notice. Find more information about Gift Aid.

Standard Membership Categories


  • Individual membership includes all membership benefits detailed here.
  • Membership is for one calendar year from the time of joining.
  • Membership welcome pack will be sent to the delivery address indicated in the form.
Cost £48.00


  • Family membership includes all membership benefits detailed here.
  • All events are open to spouse/partner and children. Names of family members will need to be given in the membership form.
  • Membership is for one calendar year from the time of joining.
  • Membership welcome pack will be sent to the person and delivery address indicated in the form.
Cost £64.00

Direct Debit Individual / Family Membership ( £42.50 / £58.50)

  • Please download our membership form (PDF) and print single-sided only.
  • Please fill and sign the form by hand and send it by post to:
    The Japan Society
    13/14 Cornwall Terrace
    London NW1 4QP
  • Note: electronic forms sent by email are not valid for direct debit membership.

Bulletin Membership

This is a concessional membership for those that live overseas or outside London and are unable to attend events on a regular basis. You can still receive other membership benefits such as discounts on The Japan Society’s publications, exclusive access to our E-Library, subscription to The Japan Society Review and a copy of our annual Proceedings.

Bulletin (Overseas)

Bulletin (Overseas)
  • Membership is for one calendar year from the time of joining.
  • Membership welcome pack will be sent to the delivery address indicated in the form.
Cost £35.00

Bulletin (UK)

Bulletin (UK)
  • Membership is for one calendar year from the time of joining.
  • Membership welcome pack will be sent to the delivery address indicated in the form.
Cost £25.00

Concessional Membership

This is a concessional membership for members under 25 years old, full time students and returnees of JET programme.

Proof of status will be required in the form:

  • Under 25: Please upload a copy of an ID document which include your date of birth.
  • Full time students: Please upload a valid student ID (with date) or a letter from your school on headed paper.
  • JET membership discount is available for one year after return from Japan. Please indicate the dates of JET programme and prefecture in Japan.

Under 25 / Full Time Student / JET Membership

Under 25 / Full Time Student / JET Membership
  • Under 25 / Full Time Student / JET memberships include most of the membership benefits detailed here. It does not include receiving publications by post (events programmes, The Japan Society Review and similar), with the exception of the Proceedings of The Japan Society.
  • Membership is for one calendar year from the time of joining.
  • Membership welcome pack will be sent electronically.
Cost £10.00