The Japan Society
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If you have any questions or issues, please contact our Membership Officer:

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The Japan Society would like to thank you for your generous ongoing support through membership.

Our members are committed to promoting deep and lasting understanding between our two countries. Our strength lies in a broad based membership of individuals and organisations.

Note 1: Please read our privacy policy and terms & conditions. By filling a membership form, you state that you have read and agreed to them. If you choose it in the form, you will receive information about Japan Society’s events and activities by post and/or email.

Note 2: If you are a UK tax payer, you can also help us by selecting the Gift Aid box in the payment screen. Without any further cost for you, this will allow the Japan Society to reclaim the tax on your membership and any qualifying donations paid in the last four years and from the date of this declaration until further notice. Find more information about Gift Aid.

Individual (R)

Cost £48.00

Family (R)

Cost £64.00

Bulletin (Overseas - R)

Cost £35.00

Bulletin (UK - R)

Cost £25.00

Under 25 / Full Time Student (R)

Cost £10.00