Send a Book Proposal
The Japan Society has long engaged in the publication of books which further the UK-Japan relationship and the understanding of Japan in the UK. These have included works produced or commissioned by the Society, as well as those which have been initiated by others and published under the Japan Society imprint.
As a general rule, the Japan Society aims to issue one publication each year. We welcome proposals for books of any genre, including, but not limited to, academic works, guides, children’s books and translations of works in Japanese. Proposals can be of non-commercial, academic value or have an appeal to a wider market and have possible commercial value.
The Society is able to consider taking forward book proposals in the following ways:
- Where a suitable text exists, we can provide grant funding and help to package the project as a Japan Society publication. We can also provide marketing support through our membership and other channels
- Where a publishing contract exists, we can subsidise the project in return for a credit for the Japan Society
- We can subsidise a publication in return for a fixed number of copies to be given or offered for sale to members at a reduced price
- We cannot commission a publication or pay an author a fee to start work on a project
- Unpublished materials that merit wider circulation but are not being considered for publication can be considered for the Society’s e-Library
Members and non-members of the Society are invited to put forward at any time publishing proposals that meet the following criteria, for consideration by the Publications Committee on an ad hoc basis
- Are in line with the objectives of the Japan Society and have inherent educational relevance to the Society
- Appeal to a wider audience or new audience
- Broaden the impact of the Japan Society
- Tie in with the programme of activities
- Do not duplicate other material on the subject
For further information or to discuss any projects please Contact Us.

British Royal and Japanese Imperial Relations, 1868-2018

Heaven’s Wind

A Garden Bequest – Plants from Japan