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ARCHIVED The UK-Japan Relationship amid a Troubled World: a Conversation with Ambassador Hayashi

Wednesday 17 November 2021
11.00am - 12.00 noon (GMT)
8.00pm - 9.00pm (JST)
Check the time in your location
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Free – Donations Welcome
Registration essential
The activities of the Japan Society are made possible thanks to the support of its members. This event is free of charge and open to all. We realise that this is a difficult time for many people. However, if you are planning to attend and do not have a membership subscription as an individual or through your employer, please consider making a donation. You can find details of membership and how to join the Japan Society community here.
It is nearly one year since HAYASHI Hajime was appointed to the post of Japanese Ambassador to the UK. In normal times, he would have had several opportunities to meet Japan Society members since his arrival in February, but our lives are not normal. In this special event, Japan Society president Ambassador Hayashi joins our chair Bill Emmott to look back on the past year, reflecting on life in Japan and the UK during the pandemic and on now being able to visit different parts of the country to participate in events. They will discuss the relationship between our two countries and this summer’s Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the future agenda for cooperation and collaboration including on Climate Change post COP-26, on defence and security, and on opportunities for continued intellectual and cultural exchange.
HAYASHI Hajime has been Ambassador of Japan to the UK since December 2020. During a distinguished diplomatic career he has served as Minister at the Embassy of Japan in the USA (2007-2010), Deputy Chief of Mission in India (2010-2013), Ambassador to Belgium (2017-2019) and Chief of Mission to NATO (2018-2019). Prior to taking up his post in London, Ambassador Hayashi served as Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Secretary-General of the National Security Secretariat.
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