Haiku Corner 2020
We would like to say a big thank you to all of the participants who shared their poetry with us in 2020.
- Haiku of the Week - GALLERY & POEMS
- More Selected Haiku
- Visit our Haiku Corner 2021 to read more poems
Please keep sending your haiku each week so that we can all get together and strengthen the ties of our community through haiku.
Haiku of the Week - Poems
Week 27 (7 - 11 December 2020)
winter sun
the rain-soaked garden
full of sparkles
Annie Bachini
Week 25 (23 - 27 November 2020)
In all our seasons
Shapes magnificent,
Esme Alice Blue |
Aurora B. Blue |
A world hidden from
heaven’s evidence
Martha Iris Blue |
Jules K. Blue |
Week 24 (16 - 20 November 2020)
bush tail, tiny feet
rush to gather winter stock
little squirrel friends
Sen T
Week 23 (9 - 13 November 2020)
My cigarette smoke
Joins the scent of earth and rain
As I watch leaves fall
Eric Holbrook
Week 22 (2 - 6 November 2020)
how much rain
On a full, blue moon
Jim the Poet
James Stephen |
Week 21 (26 - 30 October 2020)
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves us
Winter comes cold.
Freeze us.
Polena Barbagallo
Week 20 (19 - 23 October 2020)
tears drop like dewdrops
even amidst my dreaming
i wipe and row on
Iona Mandal
Week 19 (12 - 16 October 2020)
Wipers swishing rain
Hope over expectation
English holiday
Peter Jordan
Week 18 (5 - 9 October 2020)
October brings rain
And news a friend is dying
Window streaked with tears
Week 17 (28 September - 2 October 2020)
East End walking tour
Leaves swirl and scatter
Peter Jordan |
Thomas Connolley |
Week 15 (14 - 18 September 2020)
Darting silhouettes
beyond the blue mottled sky
Swallows migration
Sue Henderson
Week 14 (7 - 11 September 2020)
Lines of wind chimes tinkle
in a mountain temple
beginning of autumn
Asa Hanada
Week 13 (31 August - 4 September 2020)
Rush hour commuter
stopping to give rough sleeper
an orange
Ceci Chui
Week 12 (24 - 28 August 2020)
Rain blots on dry earth
A polka dot path to walk
The downpipe gurgles
Sue Henderson
Week 11 (17 - 21 August 2020)
Standing crooked yet tall
An audience of green and brown
The old trees of Kew
Simon Agar
Week 10 (10 - 14 August 2020)
a summer cloud says
I should be in distant lands
shutters disagree
Week 9 (3 - 7 August 2020)
little white petals
floating down the river of time
a midsummer's dream
Week 8 (27 - 31 July 2020)
Face muscles twitching
Smiling back at waving child
She sees only mask
Simon Agar
Week 7 (20 - 24 July 2020)
Complicated life
Trauma death sadness strife
We soldier on we fight
Louise Hooley
Week 6 (13 -17 July 2020)
listening to the rain
an old cat sleeps out
her last day
Paul Griffiths
Week 5 (6 -10 July 2020)
the new crescent moon
like a fish hook in the sky
snagging passing clouds
Michael Galley
Week 4 (29 June -3 July 2020)
in the open space
where the lavender pot was
scurry of beetles
Annie Bachini
Week 3 (22-26 June 2020)
June rains
child counts buses
through the foggy window
Ceci Chui
Week 2 (15-19 June 2020)
forest walk
every tree branch
reaches out for hug
Asa Hanada
Week 1 (8-12 June 2020)
A cold, blue silence.
The young apples touched with dew,
Mirror our damp cheeks
Gemma Bartram
Week 0 (1-5 June 2020)
Hope always rises
writing a shopping list
will there be flour?
Jenny White
More Selected Haiku
Week 27
Power lines pop and Thomas Connolley |
When I talk to you Naomi |
Hastening silver arrow Xia Marn Marn |
Week 25
To be afraid Esme Alice Blue |
across the night sky Michael Galley |
Night fog shrinks my world Thomas Connolley |
Week 24
seeing the purple Matthew Birch |
after you are gone Michael Galley |
The crescent moon smiles Thomas Connolley |
cracked by nature Sue Henderson |
散る紅葉 Pluto |
Week 23
just before harvest Michael Galley |
i open my eyes Iona Mandal |
geese migrating south Bill Johnston |
Under every bridge Matthew Perkins |
chickens by the roadside; Matthew Perkins |
with exquisite grace Michael Galley |
A single leaf stays Thomas Connolley |
Week 22
Clocks turn back an hour Pat K |
in wagon wheel ruts Michael Galley |
Rising Halloween moon Fay Okita |
what is beneath Jim the Poet |
Late on Guy Fawkes' Night- Thomas Connolley |
Sun ray through last leaf Sue Henderson |
Nature's resin art asa hanada |
Week 21
Cycling home at night, Thomas Connolley |
Darkness until spring Alexander Patton |
Week 20
Shorter, darker day Sue Henderson |
Composing haiku Thomas Connolley |
Blackbird acrobats Thomas Connolley |
Week 19
Sharp is the morning sun light Maria Thieme |
winter morning Albert Schlaht |
poem on the underground Annie Bachini |
Week 15
An old sleeping dog Peter Jordan |
Our love is hanging from a washing line Alichina |
Week 13
to the autumn winds Iona Mandal |
Learning to make peace… M. Y |
Week 12
Summer chooses blue Marion Plumb |
Snow on the gate Rachel William |
The thousands of ways Rachel Williams |
Autumn leaves fall down Francesca Kearney |
The season changes Ninja Cyborg |
Week 10
brilliant orange Paul Griffiths |
Ripened harvest cut Sue Henderson |
Week 9
The sun-bleached months Chris Francis |
Splashes of colour Anon |
Tu me manques Anon |
First day of marriage asa hanada |
a warm summers day Paul Conneally |
Week 8
the pages flip Paul Griffiths |
The twilight years now spent Trevor Skingle |
Films to watch this week. Anon |
Week 7
cherry blossom gone Mike Barrett |
Blackberry bramble Katie Meek |
new neighbours Annie Bachini |
Week 6
just enough breeze Annie Bachini |
Many empty chairs Doug Evans |
The morning chorus Nina Vinther |
5886 miles and 8 hours apart... M.Y |
Week 5
first hot day Annie Bachini |
Green leaves come to view Simon Agar |
little yellow tarts Leia |
In running water Michael Galley |
seasons slowly slide Michael Galley |
Under rain soaked eaves Origin Sake |
first meeting M.Y |
strips of coloured paper anon |
Raindrops on hydrangea asa hanada |
Week 4
Suddenly I saw Patricia Mooney |
Cushioned cocoon ends Angie Chan |
Hedgehog then a fox Heidi |
Long days and quiet nights Joy |
Night-time blues linger Joy |
Week 3
人恋し小夜啼鳥の声澄みて A nightingale Yoko Dochi |
locked down for three months Annie Bachini |
Birds in my nowhere mind. Damon Rawnsley |
夏のベリー Bean |
A murder of crows. DL |
Bonds of friendship bloom Gemma Bartram |
Cherries, untasted. Vanessa |
Week 2
yellow dahlia Annie Bachini |
Social distancing. Dominic Seymour |
Faces on a screen Gemma Bartram |
Gliding silently. Chris Loughlan |
Oh scrawny carrot Chris Arning |
Our quiet rest. Simon Agar |
hanami transcends hanami transforms Sue Henderson |
Week 1
Summer light draws down Chris Francis |
Beauty is not seen Christoph Sills |
Rain sprinkles Thaisa Hopkins |
as sunlight slants Alan Summers |
Another sunrise Jane Varnus |
I cannot see this. Chris Loughlan |
the white butterfly Annie Bachini |
There is still one thing Rachna Chowla |
Carpet of bluebells Kate Lawrence |
Shine on the same moon. Damon Rawnsley |
June, Mother’s birthday. Margaret Gordon |
散った花春無く私夏を待つ The fallen blossom Lizzie (Elizabeth) Parkes |
the sweetness Ceci Chui |
bluebells Asa Hanada |
Autumnal dew Alicia S. Fernandez |