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Kyoto's Higashiyama District

Rebecca Lee shares some top tips for experiencing hanami in the Higashiyama district of Kyoto.

They say Mount Yoshino is the best place to enjoy cherry blossoms because of its senbon sakura. During the hanami season, visitors can enjoy a view of over 10 thousand cherry trees in full bloom. However, my favourite place to enjoy hanami has always been the Higashiyama district in Kyoto. The traditional tea houses, ladies with perfect hair and colourful kimonos, and geisha one could often see in the area (if lucky) makes this the ideal place to visit during cherry blossom season if you want to experience hanami with a traditional feel.

I always start from the famous Kiyomizudera and make my way toward Yasaka Shrine through Ninenzaka and the preserved historic back streets. After a hanami picnic at the Maruyama Park, follow the crowd toward the back streets and make your way up to Nanzenji and the Philosopher's Path where you will be able to indulge yourself with some sakura shower for a few hours. There are many traditional tea houses along the path, so it's the perfect time to try some amazake or sakura dango in front of the small canal. Before it gets dark, remember to head back to Maruyama Park to grab a bite at the food stalls and enjoy the yozakura!