Collar Cup Golf Match 2021 - Winners and Pictures

Japan Society retained the Collar Cup in a very close fought match with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Hendon Golf Club on Saturday 16 October 2021. The victory came by the narrowest of margins with final scores of 277 and 276 respectively, with conditions taxing after heavy rain.
Mr Hirohiko Miyata, President of JCCI, presented the trophy to Japan Society golf captain James Lawson.
Top scorers were Geoffrey Paull (JS, 38 points), Yoshinori Katayama (JCCI, 36) and Kunihito Kawase (JS, 35).
The event was kindly sponsored by Japan Society corporate members BDO LLP.
If you are a keen golfer, male or female, do get in touch! As well as the Collar Cup in October, the Japan Society organises its own golf tournament for members to be held in 2022 on 28 June at Essendon Country Club.