Japan's Trains
Japan has an extensive train network and its fast modern shinkansen bullet trains are already renowned all over the world. Use these resources to learn how the Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central) operates and about their development of the new SCMaglev train network in Japan!
Download all KS4 science resources or see below for individual resources.
These lesson resources were adpated from original materials provided by Central Japan Railway Company.
Secondary educators can choose from two lessons, focused on either science or geography. For younger students or standalone activties, check out the additional resources below.
KS4 Science Learning Objectives
- To understand how electromagnets are created
- To understand the science behind SCMAGLEV trains, including how they levitate and are propelled forward
- To draw the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying wire
KS4 Science Resources
KS3 Geography Resources
Coming soon!
Additional Resources
The resources below are original JR-Central Materials. These can be used as standalone materials or to complement the lessons above.
- Worksheet: Secrets of SCMAGLEV
- Video: About SCMaglev
Note: This is a new resource; some sections may be revised or updated.
About JR-Central
Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central) is one of the main train operating companies in Japan. JR-Central operates the Tokaido Shinkansen (Bullet Train), the main transportation artery linking Japan's principal metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka and a network of 12 conventional lines across the Tokai region of Japan, centered on Nagoya and Shizuoka areas. Additionally, it is responsible for the Chuo shinkansen-using a Superconducting Maglev between Tokyo and Osaka, which is under construction between Tokyo and Nagoya.
JR Central has a London office and has built strong relationships with UK and European railways for more than 30 years.