School Life in Japan
In this lesson, pupils will learn about what life is like at a typical elementary (primary) school in Japan. Some aspects of Japanese school life are unique, and not seen in many other places in the world. For example, everyday after lunch or at the end of the school day, children clean and tidy their own classrooms, corridors, and hallways across the school! Whilst there are certainly unique aspects, there are also many aspects that are similar to a typical British primary school too. Pupils will be expected to compare the similarities and differences, and evaluate what they like and dislike about these aspects of Japanese school life.
Download all lesson resources (Zip File 16.8MB) or see below for individual resources.
Learning Objective
- To compare and contrast Japanese schools to British schools.
Learning Outcomes
- Pupils will increase their understanding of Japanese school life through discussion based and written activities. They will demonstrate this outcome by creating a similarities and differences chart.
Lesson Duration
- 50 minutes - 1 hour (excluding extension activities)
- Background Notes for Teachers - PDF (291KB)
- Lesson Plan - School Life - PDF (355KB)
- School Life Presentation - PPTX (15.6MB)
- Worksheet - Similarities and Differences - PDF (198KB)
Please note that the PowerPoint file for this resource is read-only. If you would like an editable version, please contact us at