Past Events
ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - Bilingual Public Speaking Club
ARCHIVED オンライン版 バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ

Wednesday 26 January 2022
6.30pm to 8.00pm (GMT)
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Booking Details
Online Event
Free- Booking essential
The activities of the Japan Society are made possible thanks to the support of its members. This event is free of charge and open to all. We realise that this is a difficult time for many people. However, if you are planning to attend and do not have a membership subscription as an individual or through your employer, please consider making a donation. You can find details of membership and how to join the Japan Society community here.
The Japan Society Bilingual Public Speaking Club offers a safe, interactive space to improve communication and presentation abilities in English and/or Japanese, learning techniques and tricks to develop confidence in speaking in public.
This monthly event is open to anyone who is willing to participate and speak in Japanese or English. Good knowledge of Japanese and English is desirable, but all levels are welcome to join us. Japanese native speakers and students of Japanese or English are encouraged to participate! The main focus of the Club is on developing public speaking skills, rather than grammatical accuracy.
We informally follow the methodology of the Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC) with each participant taking a different role each time (speaker, evaluator, helper) both in English and Japanese. Everyone will have the opportunity to speak and support others to succeed in speaking in public in their chosen language.
Each online session also includes an ice breaker to allow each participant to speak briefly to the group at the start. We miss the opportunity to chat to each other in person, but hope this will help people relax and get to know each other.
You can find more information about the different roles required below and more details about public speaking clubs in the ASC website.
You can also follow our LinkedIn group to keep up-to-date about the club and the role allocation.
If you have any questions, please call the Japan Society office on 020 3075 1996 or email us at:
Roles available
Different roles are required (speakers, evaluators, helpers) both in English and Japanese, so please let us know on the booking form which role(s) you would like to take. We will try to accommodate all requests in this session or in other sessions in the following months. First-time attendees are encouraged to take roles which require less speaking time.
無料 ※要申込
このイベントは対面での開催となります。感染防止のため会場が指定するガイドラインの遵守をお願いいたします。 詳細については、後日メールでご案内いたします。
*Event information in English is available via the red 'English' button at top right.
バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブは、Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC) で実践されている手法を基に、英語そして日本語のセッションで、それぞれ役割(スピーチ、評価、お手伝い)を担っていただきます。人前で自信を持って話すスキルを身につけるための方法やプログラムを実施するものです。前半は英語、休憩を挟んで後半は日本語でのスピーチを行います。論点を効果的に伝えるためのスピーチの組み立て方、ジェスチャーや身体言語の使い方、声の使い方、ユーモアの取り入れ方など、評価者からの論評などを交えて、学んでいくプログラムです。
イベントに関してのお問い合わせは、電話(020 3075 1996)もしくはメール(までご連絡ください。
Booking Info
- Different roles are required (speakers, evaluators, helpers) both in English and Japanese, so please let us know on the booking form which role(s) you would like to take and in which language.
- You should receive an automated email from the Japan Society to let you know that your booking request has been registered. Please note that your booking is pending while we check your details and you will receive a further email once your booking is confirmed.
- For online events, we will send you the zoom links and details to attend the event closer to the date.
- If you don't receive any confirmation emails or links, please check your spam folder or email