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ARCHIVED IN-PERSON EVENT - Japan Society Book Club: The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji

Monday 8 August 2022 / 7:00pm
IN-PERSON EVENT - Japan Society Book Club: The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji

Monday 8 August 2022

The Japan Society
13 / 14 Cornwall Terrace
London NW1 4QP

Booking Details
Free for Japan Society Members

Book available from Bookshop.orgAmazon, and Book Depository 
Japanese version available here

Please note this is an in-person event subject to Covid regulations and the health and safety requirements at the venue. More details will be provided to attendees closer to the date.

Book online here

The activities of the Japan Society are made possible thanks to the support of its members. This event is free of charge and open to all. We realise that this is a difficult time for many people. However, if you are planning to attend and do not have a membership subscription as an individual or through your employer, please consider making a donation. You can find details of membership and how to join the Japan Society community here.

A cult classic mystery novel about students from a university mystery club who visit Tsunojima Island: the site of a series of violent murders. After the students start getting picked off one by one, they must utilize all their murder mystery knowledge to escape the Island with their lives. How will the students deal with the deaths of their classmates? Will they be able to outsmart the murderer? “A terrific mystery, a classic of misdirection very much in the manner of Agatha Christie or John Dickson Carr” – Washington Post. Translated by Ho-Ling Wong.

Yukito Ayatsuji (b. 1960) specializes in mystery and horror novels. His first novel, The Decagon House Murders, draws inspiration from his experience as a member of the Kyoto University Mystery Club, which dedicates itself to the writing of fair play mysteries inspired by the Golden Age greats. He is one of the founders of the Honkaku Mystery Writers Club of Japan, an organization for writers who write Honkaku mystery.

If you have any questions, please call the Japan Society office on 020 3075 1996 or email

Booking Info

  • Please note this is an in-person event subject to Covid regulations and the health and safety requirements at the venue. More details will be provided to attendees closer to the date.

  • You should receive an automated email from the Japan Society to let you know that your booking request has been registered. Please note that your booking is pending while we check your details and you will receive a further email once your booking is confirmed.

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