Past Events
ARCHIVED Bilingual Public Speaking Club
ARCHIVED バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ
Wednesday 27 July 2022
7.00pm to 8.30pm
1 New Street Square
London EC4A 3BZ
Optional networking / drinks meet-up beforehand from 6.00 – 6.45pm at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (145 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BU)
Booking Details
Free - Booking essential
The activities of the Japan Society are made possible thanks to the support of its members. This event is free of charge and open to all. We realise that this is a difficult time for many people. However, if you are planning to attend and do not have a membership subscription as an individual or through your employer, please consider making a donation. You can find details of membership and how to join the Japan Society community here.
Join us on Wednesday 27 July (and the last Wednesday of every month) for the next session in our long-running Bilingual Public Speaking Club (BPSC) - now in a new, more dynamic format!
The BPSC offers an interactive space to improve communication and presentation abilities in English and/or Japanese, learning techniques and tricks to develop confidence in speaking in public.
Every month we propose a topic in advance and invite participants to prepare a short speech (from 1 to 5 minutes) in the language of their choice (English or Japanese). It can be a structured presentation or just some spontaneous thoughts about the topic, the important point is to gain experience in public speaking and hone your language skills. Everyone will have the chance to speak and to interact with others, asking questions and giving feedback in an informal, friendly and supportive atmosphere. The new format and full details of the event will be explained to those attending beforehand via email and on the day.
The topic for the July session is “Remote Working: Advantages and Disadvantages”. What are your experiences of working from home? Do you perhaps miss working in the office? What do you think of hybrid work? We look forward to your speeches about the pros and cons of remote working. Check these pages for inspiration: This Is the Future Of Remote Work In 2021 (En)/ I tried remote working from this subtropical island. Don’t get too jealous (En) / これからの働き方「在宅ワーク」とは?|基礎知識 (日本語) / テレワークが当たり前になる未来。私たちの働き方は今後どう変わっていく? (日本語) / 在宅ワークとその先にある未来:日立評論 (日本語)
The BPSC is open to anyone who is willing to speak in public in Japanese or English. Good knowledge of both languages is recommended but please note that the main focus of the Club is on developing public speaking skills, rather than grammatical accuracy. Japanese native speakers and students of Japanese or English are encouraged to participate!
As well as public speaking, the Club is a great opportunity to get to know other members with similar interests, so why not join us beforehand at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese and we will walk the short distance over to Deloitte at 6.45pm.
We are grateful to Deloitte for hosting this event.
If you have any questions, please call the Japan Society office on 020 3075 1996 or email us at:
Hosted by:
Upcoming Sessions - SAVE THE DATE!
- Wednesday 31 August 2022 / 7.00pm – Topic: The 100 Year Life
- Wednesday 28 September 2022 / 7.00pm – Topic: The Influence of Social Media
More details coming soon!
Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up-to-date about upcoming sessions and future topics as well as information about public speaking techniques and practice advice.
1 New Street Square
London EC4A 3BZ
Optional networking / drinks meet-up beforehand from 6.00 – 6.45pm at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (145 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BU)
無料 ※要申込
*Event information in English is available via the red 'English' button at top right.
長期にわたり開催してきたバイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ(BPSC) が、皆さんからのご意見を取り入れ、よりダイナミックで新しい形式として生まれ変わります。7月27日(水)開催のセッションに是非お越しください。
7月のトピックは「在宅という働き方–利点と欠点」です。皆さんが経験した在宅での勤務や勉強は、どんなものでしたでしょうか?勤務先での仕事をするほうがよいと感じることはありますか?オンラインとオフライン混合での仕事についてどう思いますか?在宅勤務についての利点や欠点についての皆さんのスピーチを楽しみにしています。次のようなページも是非参考にしてみてください。This Is the Future Of Remote Work In 2021 (En)/ I tried remote working from this subtropical island. Don’t get too jealous (En) / これからの働き方「在宅ワーク」とは?|基礎知識 (日本語) / テレワークが当たり前になる未来。私たちの働き方は今後どう変わっていく? (日本語) / 在宅ワークとその先にある未来:日立評論 (日本語)
パブリックスピーキングだけではなく、このクラブでは、同じ興味を持っている人たちが知り合いになることができる機会にもなります。早めに来ることが可能な方は、Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese にきていただき、皆さんで6時45分に会場に向かいます。
イベントに関してのお問い合わせは、電話(020 3075 1996)もしくはメール(までご連絡ください。
Hosted by:
今後の開催予定 - SAVE THE DATE!
- 8月31日(水)午後7時 トピック:人生100年時代
- 9月31日(水)午後7時 トピック:ソーシャルメディアの影響力
More details coming soon!
Booking Info
- The topic for the June session is “Remote Working: Advantages and Disadvantages”. Please prepare a short speech (from 1 to 5 minutes) in the language of your choice (English or Japanese).
- You should receive an automated email from the Japan Society to let you know that your booking request has been registered. Please note that your booking is pending while we check your details and you will receive a further email once your booking is confirmed.
- If you don't receive any confirmation emails, please check your spam folder or email