Past Events
ARCHIVED Japan Society Christmas Party 2022
Monday 5 December 2022
6.30pm to 8.00pm
Embassy of Japan
101-104 Piccadilly
London W1J 7JT
Booking Details
Booking essential
£25 per head
Members and their guests only
Please bring photographic identification with you as those without may be denied entrance
Please note this event is now fully booked. Please sign up using the form below to be added to the waiting list.
This year’s Christmas Party will once again be held in the Ballroom of the Japanese Embassy, by courtesy of the Japanese Ambassador. We hope that many members will join us for this festive occasion and to catch up with friends.
It has been three years since our last Christmas party in 2019. While thinking back on how much has changed since then, we look forward to 2023 and the opportunities ahead.
Members may bring guests but space may well be limited, so early booking is advised; places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
The dress code is lounge suit/smart casual wear.
We are extremely grateful to the Japan Centre which is generously providing party canapes for the evening. Members will also be able to enjoy a special selection of sake, courtesy of Sake Samurai
Names are required for the Embassy security in advance. You will be sent a confirmation of your booking to print out and show on arrival, together with photo ID.
If you have any questions, please call the Japan Society office on 020 3075 1996 or email us at:
With support from:
Booking Info
Please note this event is now fully booked. Please sign up using the form below to be added to the waiting list.
- You should receive an automated email from the Japan Society to let you know that your booking request has been registered. Please note that your booking is pending while we check your details and you will receive a further email once your booking is confirmed.
- If you don't receive any confirmation emails or links, please check your spam folder or email