The Japan Society
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Past Events

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ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - Bilingual Public Speaking Club

ARCHIVED オンライン版 バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ

Wednesday 26 August 2020 / 6:30pm
ONLINE EVENT - Bilingual Public Speaking Club

Wednesday 26 August 2020
6.30pm to 8.30pm

Booking Details
Online Event
Free- Booking essential


Book online here

The Japan Society and the Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC) are delighted to invite you to the bilingual Japanese-English public speaking club in August. The club is open to anyone who would like to improve their skills at speaking in Japanese or English and to learn techniques and tricks to expand their communication and presentation abilities. Good knowledge of Japanese and English is desirable but all levels are welcome to join us. Japanese native speakers and students of Japanese or English are encouraged to participate!

The Bilingual Public Speaking Club is based on the ASC method and its step by step programme to develop the confidence and skills to succeed in speaking in public. The first part of the session will be in English and after a short break the second part will follow in Japanese. Participants will follow the ASC Speakers Guide introductory programme, which involves progressing through speech construction, using gestures and body language, using your voice and using humour to effectively get your point across, in addition to getting detailed feedback from evaluators at each step.

You can find more information and details about public speaking clubs in the ASC website here.

If you have any questions, please call the Japan Society office on 020 3075 1996 or email us at:

Role allocation

Different roles are required (speakers, evaluators, helpers) both in English and Japanese, so please let us know if you would like to be considered for any of these roles (more information will be provided in this case). Those wishing to attend and simply observe are also welcome.

Please sign up for a role using this form (please make sure you have selected the correct tab/date). Please book your place at this event BEFORE taking any role.

You can also follow our LinkedIn group to keep up-to-date about the club and the role allocation.

Co-organised by:



無料 ※要申込

*Event information in English is available via the red 'English' button at top right.

Book online here

ジャパンソサエティでは、Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC)との共催により、英国における日英バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ8月のオンライン会合を開催します。日本語もしくは英語でのパブリックスピーキングのスキルを伸ばしたい方であればどなたでも対象となり、コミュニケーションやプレゼンスキルを改善するための方法やコツを学ぶことができます。日本語もしくは英語をある程度話せる方を中心に、さまざまなレベルの方に参加いただけます。特に、日本語を母国語とされている皆さん、そして日本語や英語を学習中の学生の皆さんにも是非ご参加いただきたいイベントです。


イベントに関してのお問い合わせは、電話(020 3075 1996)もしくはメール(までご連絡ください。ASCのパブリックスピーキングクラブに関する情報はこちらからごらんいただけます。





当ページでご予約の後、こちらのフォーム (該当のタブが開いているかを確認してください)にて、ご希望の役割にお名前を記入してください。

バイリンガル・パブリックスピーキングクラブ専用の LinkedIn group でも情報を配信しています。是非ご登録ください。
