Upcoming Events
ARCHIVED ONLINE EVENT - The Japan Society Annual General Meeting 2020
ARCHIVED オンラインイベント ジャパンソサエティ年次総会 2020
![ONLINE EVENT - The Japan Society Annual General Meeting 2020](imageresize.php?file=usercontent/05b1aa150ec73ebbd7d75a707e43d1f7.jpg&opts=w1200h300e0)
Tuesday 28 July 2020
11.00am to 12.30pm (BST)
7.00pm to 8.30pm (JST)
Following the formal business of the AGM, members are invited to remain in the Zoom meeting for further discussion and to share views with trustees and staff. All will be over by 12.30pm.
Booking Details
Free – Japan Society members only
Registration essential
The Board values the opportunity to engage with members at the AGM, which is a key event for the Society and its members, who, under normal circumstances, are very welcome to attend the AGM in person. Please note, however, that arrangements for this year's AGM differ from the usual in-person format.
The Society expects significant restrictions on personal movement and gathering as a result of Covid-19 to remain in place at the time of its AGM and is therefore utilising powers under the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, alongside other discretionary powers for the orderly conduct of meetings to facilitate the holding of the meeting on a virtual platform.
Accordingly, this year's AGM will be a virtual meeting only, held on Zoom. The Society's usual AGM venue, the Japanese Embassy, is not open to visitors and no physical meeting will take place. We hope this format will allow members to take part from a wide geographical area.
We are also delighted this year that the virtual formal allows us to welcome both our President, the Japanese Ambassador, Yasumasa Nagamine and the British Ambassador, Paul Madden to address Japan Society members during the AGM.
Please ensure that you register in advance; members will be sent a link for Zoom through which they can join the meeting.
All voting on resolutions at the AGM will be conducted by way of a poll which means that members should submit their proxy (by post or email) as soon as possible. You can also submit in advance any questions you wish to ask; although there will be an opportunity to raise questions during the meeting.
Following the formal business of the AGM, members are invited to remain in the Zoom meeting to join trustees and staff in small groups to share views and ideas for the Society's programmes and activity. Further details will be supplied nearer the time.
Downloadable Documents
無料 – ジャパンソサエティ会員のみ参加可能