Ready Steady NihonGO!
Subject: Other Topics
Level: Key Stage 2
Age: 7-11 years
Resource Type: Activities / Presentations / Lesson Plans / Schemes of Work / Worksheets / Videos / Other
Ready Steady NihonGO! is an interactive primary language project. Working together, the Japan Society and the Japan Foundation London Language Centre (JFLLC) have produced a unique scheme of work for teaching Japanese at KS2 level.
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The scheme comprises ten 45 minute lessons designed to be delivered by a Japanese native speaker working with the class teacher. Each lesson is clearly structured, with comprehensive teachers’ notes, National Curriculum Links and a set of accompanying Culture Notes.
This course has been designed:
- To link Japan and the Japanese language to the National Curriculum to form a complete unit of work that will complement and enrich other subjects studied within the classroom.
- To create a model for primary Japanese that can easily be replicated in schools across the UK using locally available expertise.
- To provide children with a valuable cultural insight into Japan which will allow them to develop a sensitivity towards a less familiar culture, while encouraging them to stand back and view their own way of life from a different perspective.
- To introduce children to the Japanese language through a series of well-structured lessons comprising a range of activities, forming a sound basis for any future study of the language.