The Japan Society

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Webinar Video - The Pandemic and the Changing World of Work with Lynda Gratton

Webinar Video - The Pandemic and the Changing World of Work with Lynda Gratton

Watch the video of the eighth in our Webinar Series in which our chairman, Bill Emmott, was joined in discussion by Professor Lynda Gratton to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the workplace in both our countries.

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (9)

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (9)

There can be no doubt that the pandemic and associated lockdown has at times been a test for our imaginations, although the idea of taking a nearly 60-mile drive to test your eyesight did rather take the imaginative biscuit this week.

Webinar Video - The Effect of the Pandemic on Diplomatic and Commercial Relations with China

Webinar Video - The Effect of the Pandemic on Diplomatic and Commercial Relations with China

Watch the video of the seventh in our Webinar Series in which our chairman, Bill Emmott, was joined in discussion by Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies at Kings College London, and Akio Takahara, Professor of contemporary Chinese politics and diplomacy at the University of Tokyo.

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (8)

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (8)

China’s rising role in the world and America’s decline is one of those seemingly accelerated forces. Another is the changing nature of work, towards remote working and management-by-video-conference.

Webinar Video - What We Know Now: Medical Science and the Response to COVID-19

Webinar Video - What We Know Now: Medical Science and the Response to COVID-19

Watch the video of the sixth in our Webinar Series in which Japan Society chairman, Bill Emmott, was joined in discussion by Dr Kiyoshi Kurokawa, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, and Peter Piot, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (7)

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (7)

One enjoyable memory from my time when posted to Tokyo is of a weekend visit in what I think must have been 1985 to Ito-shi, out on the Izu peninsula, for the Anjin Festival.

Event Video - Japan through a Photographer’s Lens: in Conversation with Frederic Aranda

Event Video - Japan through a Photographer’s Lens: in Conversation with Frederic Aranda

Watch the video of our online conversation with multi award-winning fashion and portrait photographer, Frederic Aranda, who introduced us to some of the people he has got to know on visits to Japan.

Webinar Video - International Responsibilities and the Pandemic

Webinar Video - International Responsibilities and the Pandemic

Watch the video of the fifth in our Webinar Series in which Japan Society chairman, Bill Emmott, was joined in discussion by Lord Malloch-Brown, former Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, and Mami Mizutori, UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (6)

Japan Society Chairman's Blog (6)

Whenever I visit a city abroad, whether for work or for pleasure, I look out for smaller, less well-known museums and galleries to drop into. I think this habit began 40 years ago.

Webinar Video - The Political Repercussions of the Pandemic with Tsutomu Ishiai and John Peet

Webinar Video - The Political Repercussions of the Pandemic with Tsutomu Ishiai and John Peet

Watch the video of the fourth in our Webinar Series in which Japan Society chairman, Bill Emmott, was joined in discussion by Tsutomu Ishiai, Deputy Managing Editor, Asahi Shimbun and John Peet, Political and Brexit Editor, The Economist.