The Japan Society

Japanese Culture and Wellbeing - Lesson 5

Subject: Other Topics
Level: Key Stage 2
Age: 7-11 years
Resource Type: Activities / Presentations / Lesson Plans / Worksheets

In this lesson, students will learn the importance of learning and trying new things as one of the '5 Ways of Wellbeing'. They will explore the links between positive wellbeing and the development of new skills and knowledge through the Japanese art of manga; students will complete a series of drawing tasks and create their own manga character based on a plant. 

The extension activities for this lesson can be used to facilitate drawing tasks based on mindfulness, or allow students to develop the idea of a manga character further by creating a mascot for their local area. 

Learning Objectives

  • To develop an understanding of why learning new things/new skills improves wellbeing
  • To learn about manga and create a plant manga character
  • To explore different emotions and facial expressions 


Additional Resources

The drawing activities in this resource were originally designed by Fumio Obata as part of a Manga for Wellbeing workshop. 
Fumio is an illustrator and author of The Garden and Just So Happens

Instagram link @fumioobata 

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