Teaching Resources
Kamishibai: Lesson 4This lesson focuses on oral storytelling; the students will develop their ability to tell stories through games and group work. Students also have the chance to add to the story map from the previous lesson.
Kamishibai: Lesson 3In this lesson students continue to look at story structure and build on the skills from the previous two lessons by creating a story map, putting all the key events of a story in order.
Kamishibai: Lesson 2In this lesson, students will learn about traditional rural Japan and use mind-maps as a tool to summarise and present key information.
Kamishibai: Lesson 1Students will be introduced to kamishibai and make their own story plate, gathering the most important elements of the story all in one place. It can be used as a standalone lesson for those who don’t have time to follow the whole scheme of work, or for KS1 students.
Kamishibai: Japanese StorytellingKamishibai is a traditional form of Japanese street theatre in the form of picture card storytelling. As creating and using Kamishibai hones speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, they have many cross-curricular applications.
Soroban: Additional Resources PageThese worksheets are supplementary to the scheme of work and can be used for more practice reading numbers on the soroban.
Soroban: Lesson 5In the final lesson in the scheme of work, students practice what they have learnt so far by using the soroban to tackle multi-stage problems involving both addition and subtraction.
Soroban: Lesson 4This lesson introduces subtraction on the soroban. Students will learn how to subtract one and two-digit numbers, using the soroban as a calculation tool.
Soroban: Lesson 3Lesson 3 starts with a greater or less than activity to revise numbers on the soroban, before introducing addition. Using the soroban as a calculation tool students will add one and two-digit numbers.
Soroban: Lesson 2In this lesson, students apply what they learnt in the previous lessons to larger numbers. By the end of the lesson they will know how to read numbers up to 99 on the soroban.